Frequently Asked Questions

What can VRQ Bucks be redeemed towards?
VRQ Bucks are redeemable towards the purchase of Nominations with WCRA. When you nominate, they are redeemed on the WCRA App on the pay screen.
Are there any fees or expiration dates for using WCRA Bucks?
How to Redeem
- Login as you would to nominate
- Select the “dashboard” tab, select “balance,” “load” card
- Type the number on the back of the card, followed by the 4-digit number.
- Hit redeem
The balance will remain. Next you will walk through the nomination process, once you get the fee breakdown you will have an option to apply a coupon code and/or a gift card. Type in the amount of the gift card you wish to use and hit “apply”. You will then see the deduction taken out of your total.
Follow this link for the instructional video HERE