Why We’re Here
The WCRA is a professional sport and entertainment entity, created to develop and advance the sport of rodeo by aligning all levels of competition. Since launching in May of 2018, the World Champions Roadeo Alliance (WCRA) and its partners have awarded more than $18.2 million in new money to rodeo athletes.

Virtual Rodeo Qualifier
We’ve created a system that allows athletes to qualify based on points, rather than dollars won, through our world ranking points system. All you have to do is sign up for free and start nominating events.
View Rules of Competition HERE
World Champions Rodeo Alliance (WCRA) is a professional sport and entertainment entity, created to develop and advance the sport of rodeo by aligning all levels of competition. In association with Professional Bull Riders (PBR), WCRA produces major rodeo events, developing additional opportunities for the rodeo industry, athletes, stock contractors, stakeholders and fans.
WCRA is an entity developed to advance opportunities for rodeo athletes and the sport of rodeo.
WCRA is complementary and non-competitive to rodeos, rodeo organizations or others in the industry.
WCRA is creating incremental earning opportunities for rodeo athletes through the development of new, large format, large payout rodeo events.
WCRA and Professional Bull Riders, Inc. have entered into a definitive agreement through which WCRA gets access to and support from the largest western sports and lifestyle organization.
A sanctioning body or a membership driven organization. WCRA maintains a neutral position toward any/all rodeo organizations. Nor does WCRA crown a year-end champion. Attempting to develop the rules of competition nor govern the sport
Submit the event flyer to [email protected] 24 hours prior to the event start time. No flyer? No problem, just submit the following information:
Name of event:
Date of event:
Arena where the event is being held:
City, State:
Start time of event:
Where results may be found:
Additional information about event
Note: if you have any issues attempting to nominate an event in the VRQ, be sure to screenshot what the error is in the VRQ and email us an explanation of the issue you are having. Our team will respond as soon as possible to help you through the problem.
[email protected] – general questions about the WCRA
To participate in the WCRA, an athlete needs to register as a user in the WCRA Virtual Rodeo Qualifier (VRQ). No membership dues or fees required. Register HERE; An athlete must be over the age of 13 years old to have an online account with WCRA.
Download the FREE WCRA app in the App Store or the Google Play Store by searching “WCRA Rodeo” or clicking below:
- Division 1 – $200/nomination
- Division 2 – $150/nomination
- Division 3 – $100/nomination
- Division 4 – $50/nomination
- Division 5 – $25/nomination
A transaction fee of $9.99/nomination applies.
Nominations are associated with each individual athlete. So, if 50 athletes are competing at the rodeo, all 50 athletes should nominate the event to be eligible to earn WCRA points. In the Team Roping, a header and heeler must nominate themselves separately.
Nominations are associated with each individual athlete and points are given to that athlete based on the place that they earned. That athlete would not receive the highest awarded points from that event just because they are the only athlete that nominated.
The only instance where WCRA will issue a refund for a nomination is if the event that was nominated was cancelled or the athlete can provide a vet release or doctor release to prove they were not able to compete. If you ever have a request for a refund, email [email protected] immediately after you are unable to compete at a nominated event.
WCRA uses coupon codes for the following reasons:
To track nominations from different field representatives
In place of refunds for cancelled events or vet/doctor releases
Promotional, discount codes when coordinated with producers/organizations
If you are interested in seeing what current list of coupon codes are eligible, email [email protected].
An athlete must nominate an event they are competing at prior to the posted start time of the competition. WCRA has over 23,000 events in our database, but if you cannot find the event you are competing at, you are able to add the event into the WCRA Database by submitting the information to [email protected]. Eligible rodeos or single discipline events must be an OPEN event per the sanctioning body or event producers ground rules. The results must be verifiable and public results (i.e. online or local newspaper). Once you pay your nomination fee, if you place in a paid position at the event, WCRA will input the results into its system, and your points will be applied during the weekly leaderboard update.
There are three categories of points an athlete can earn – Competition Points, Consolation Points, or Nomination Points. Only one category of points will be applied to the athlete based on their final position in the event results.
Note: Consolation points are given at alliance events only, nomination points are given at non-alliance events only.
Competition Points– Points earned for placing in up to 10 paid positions per the WCRA point system.
Consolation Points– Points earned at alliance events for nominations that do not result in earning competition points
Nomination Points– Points that are awarded when no competition points, nor consolation points are earned or awarded.
Visit HERE to see how point accreditation works.
Points are awarded in each go round up to the top 10 paid positions. This applies to all nine rodeo disciplines. Click HERE to view the point chart.
When athletes are nominating their events, here are some important details to keep in mind:
- If an event has an average payout, the athlete must always nominate the event prior to the first time they compete. If an athlete attempts to nominate after they competed in the first round, the nomination will not be accepted.
- If an event is a progressive format, athletes can nominate anytime during the competition and receive points for any rounds following their nomination. They will not be eligible to receive points for any rounds that occurred prior to their nomination.
- If an athlete is entered multiple times in the same competition, they have the option to nominate once and receive points for their highest placing, or to nominate multiple times and receive points for each time they place in a paid round.
If an athlete ever has questions on how to nominate or how points are awarded at an event, please email [email protected] and our team will be happy to help you.
As of January 13, 2022, points will be awarded as follows for barrel racing events:
- Qualifier Series “QS”: points awarded to nominated athletes up to the 40 fastest times
- Silver Alliances and higher with “D” formats: Points awarded to nominated athletes up to the top 20 fastest times
- Bronze/general Alliances and lower with “D” formats: Points awarded to nominated athletes up to the top 10 fastest times
- Non-alliance “D” formats: Points awarded to nominated athletes up to top 10 paid places
- All straight pay barrel racing formats (Alliance or Non-Alliance): Points awarded to nominated athletes up to top 10 paid places
When entering a jackpot multiple times, an athlete is allowed to nominate once per entry fee/per class. If you choose to nominate once, WCRA will track your highest placing.
Starting Monday, November 29, 2021, team roping events will now be entered into the VRQ by class, not by event. Each class will be divisionalized by its own individual payout.
All team ropers will now be required to nominate the class they intend to compete in and earn points in, they can no longer nominate the event once and get points for their highest placing in all of the classes at the event. However, just like all disciplines, they can still nominate once in a class, and if they are entered multiple times in that class, they can still get points for their highest placing inside of the class they nominated.
The number of points needed to advance to a WCRA event will vary per the number of athletes nominating events. Your position on the WCRA Leaderboard dictates your position in the WCRA event format.
Current Open Segments:
Rodeo Carolinas: Top 36 on each timed event leaderboard and top 10 on the roughstock leaderboards
Stampede at The E: Top 36 on each timed event leaderboard and top 10 on the roughstock leaderboards
WCRA has created alliance partnerships with rodeo groups, committees, promoters, and single discipline-related organizations to create opportunities for members of these organizations to earn points beyond the WCRA “Competition Points.” The benefit of nominating an alliance event is that just by nominating, you are guaranteed to earn points once you have competed. These points are called “Consolation Points.” If an athlete nominates and competes at an alliance event, and does not place in a paid position, they will earn consolation points.
- Division 1 – 7.5 consolation points
- Division 2 – 4.5 consolation points
- Division 3 – 3 consolation points
- Division 4 – 1.5 consolation points
- Division 5 – .75 consolation points
There are three levels of Alliance with WCRA:
- Gold Alliance
- Silver Alliance
- Bronz Alliance
Alliance Information HERE.
The WCRA data team updates the leaderboard on Thursday afternoons each week. If the team is unable to locate the results by Wednesday, they will contact the athlete via text message and give them one week to submit the results. If an athlete nominates an event but is unable to provide the results within that deadline, consolation or nomination points will be awarded.
Follow this link HERE to see how Division Rankings work – If the WCRA data entry team is unable to validate the payout to place the event into a Division Ranking, it will default as a Division 4.
Note: *Note: If an athlete manually adds an event into the VRQ, it defaults to a Division 2 and the athlete will be charged the nomination fee of $150. If the WCRA events team later reclassifies the event to another Division level, the athlete’s nomination fee will be adjusted to the appropriate amount.