The WCRA (World Champions Rodeo Alliance) today announced a new divisional ranking and point scaling system to award athletes for their efforts at nominated events.
According to WCRA President Bobby Mote: The modification to the points and divisional ranking system is based on feedback received from athletes that have been participating in the Virtual Rodeo Qualifier (VRQ). The WCRA team has researched the data and worked with statisticians to enhance how points are awarded to improve the competition level and integrity of the various segment leaderboards.
The announcement revealed that WCRA will now use two divisional ranking scales to determine the event divisions – Rodeo Events and Jackpot/Single Discipline Events.
WCRA updated division rankings are below based on estimated total event payout:

Note: Team Roping payouts will be divided in half to determine their divisional rankings, whereby reflecting entry fees paid by both header and heeler.
WCRA Updated Point System:

WCRA also noted that the number of points awarded for each division in the rounds and finals/aggregate will now be a fixed value up to ten places.
Expanded Points will be available at certain Women’s Rodeo World Championship (WRWC) Fast Track Qualifiers (FTQ) and WCRA Alliance Partner events. Expanded Points extend opportunities and award points to athletes up to 20 places. There will be no change to the amount of consolation and nomination points awarded to athletes who do not earn competition points.
In the coming months WCRA will release a new Division 5- a divisional ranking for smaller jackpot/series events. The division will be a $25 nomination and will award the same amount of points as DY (youth).
WCRA recently announced that nominations for May 3-6 Rodeo Corpus Christi (Segment 7) are open until April 11 while nominations for the November 2021 Women’s Rodeo World Championship (Segment W21) will remain open until October 3. Rodeo athletes from all over the globe are eligible to qualify to compete at the $500,000 Rodeo Corpus Christi (64 timed event, 30 rough stock) and the $750,000 Women’s Rodeo World Championship (30 Pro leaderboard and 30 Challenger leaderboard) through the VRQ.
WCRA has awarded more than $88,000 through the Weekly Bonus Winners program to the highest point earners in each division (D1 – $500, D2 – $450, D3 – $250, D4 – $200, DY – $100) each week and will continue to award this money to the highest earning VRQ athletes.
For questions regarding points or the VRQ, please visit HERE or contact the WCRA at [email protected].